Today's topic for Elder Law Learn is basic nursing home resident rights! Want to learn what rights you have but don't know where to start? Watch this video to learn about some of your most important rights.
Today's topic for Elder Law Learn is the right to return to living in the community. Nursing home residents have the right to care planning and discharge planning. Learn what this means for you if you're a resident and you'd like to return to living in the community.
Today's topic on Elder Law Learn is resident and family councils. Nursing home residents, and their family/advocates, have the right to gather to discuss topics important them and to suggest changes to the nursing home. Watch to learn about this important right!
Today on Elder Law Learn we'll be discussing medication safety and helpful tips for nursing home residents, or anyone else, to avoid medication errors.
If you ever needed a nursing home, would you know how to pay for it? The best time to start planning is before you need one. Watch to learn about some of the most common payment options for nursing home residents.
Where can you turn if you having a nursing home complaint or concern? Today on Elder Law Learn we are covering nursing home complaints and grievances.
Today’s topic for Elder Law Learn is Care Planning Participation. As a nursing home resident, a care plan is the best tool you have to direct and decide your care. It can help to know your rights to be prepared.
Today’s topic for Elder Law Learn is Nursing Home Evictions and the resident right to Discharge planning. Many people don’t consider the possibility of being discharged from their nursing home until they find themselves in that situation. It can help to know your rights to be prepared.