CELJ's housing unit assists in a variety of housing matters, including representing tenants in eviction proceedings, homeowners in property tax foreclosure and seniors with landlord/tenant disputes. Additionally, we provide representation for seniors who have housing code violations. To find out if you qualify for assistance, contact our intake line at 716-853-3087 or complete the form at the bottom of this page.

We also provide financial literacy services to seniors who want to stay in their home, but are unsure whether it is affordable. A paralegal can assist with budgeting, applications for funding, and may provide information on available benefits. We can help you understand your options for staying in your home or apartment. 

More information about our Housing & Financial Stability Program specific to Erie & Niagara counties can be found below, as well as our Foreclosure Prevention Project, a collaborative effort to assist people in danger of losing their homes.



 Keeping Western New Yorkers in Their Homes & In Our Community

Hands holding a miniature house and key

The Housing & Financial Stability Program provides assistance to seniors to help them live affordably in the community. The program includes direct legal services, community education and financial literacy counseling. The program provides representation to seniors who are facing property tax foreclosures, as well as budgeting and financial counseling.

Please call us to determine if you qualify for help.

To find out if you qualify for our services, or to request a presentation to a group, please call 716-261-3306.

For more information, check out our brochure.

This program is available thanks to the support of Erie CountyHamburg Community Development, the NY State Interest on Lawyer Account Fund, and the NY State Judiciary Civil Legal Services Fund.



 Helping You Protect Your House and Home

CELJ’s Foreclosure Prevention Project (FPP) helps homeowners who are in danger of losing their home due to mortgage and tax foreclosure. Attorneys and paralegals in this unit can assist clients with understanding their options, responding to legal documents and providing representation in court. We provide services to homeowners who reside in the home that is at risk of foreclosure in Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming, and Genesee County. There are no age or income restrictions, and our services are free. FPP is a partnership with the Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo and the Western New York Law Center, and is funded by the Attorney General’s Homeowner Protection Program.

New York’s foreclosure process can be long- the average foreclosure takes two years. There are required notices that your mortgage lender must send to you before they can start the court process. After you receive the first legal papers (summons & complaint), you will receive a letter from the court with a date for you to come to court for a settlement conference. You or your attorney should attend the conference if you want to keep your home.

FPP attorneys are available at the settlement conferences and we can get your information to see if you qualify for our services. The foreclosure action is on hold while you work through the settlement conference process. The conferences are meant to see if there is a way to keep you in your home, usually by applying for a loan modification.