Medlaw partnership of wny
The MedLaw Partnership of WNY is a collaboration that addresses health-harming civil legal issues facing patients, such as unlawful evictions, unsafe living conditions, lack of income or insurance based on improper denial of benefits, and lack of advance directives, among many others.
Our partners are Erie County Medical Center, Kaleida Health, and Western New York Breast Health. Please contact Rachel Baldassaro, Esq., Supervising Attorney at if you would like to discuss a potential partnership with your health organization. To get involved as a volunteer attorney or law student, visit our volunteer page. Referrals to the MedLaw Partnership are made directly by healthcare professionals who are trained to identify risk factors and common legal issues that impact their patients, such as:
Public Benefits/Income
Health insurance coverage & denials
Housing and utilities
Income maintenance
Employment rights
Immigration Status
Elder financial and physical abuse
Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney
Simple Wills
Mortgage foreclosure
Our partnership has a focus on providing services to individuals with a history of breast cancer. If you are a breast cancer patient or survivor, you are eligible for free legal help, regardless of where you receive your health care. In addition to providing individual client representation, the MedLaw Partnership offers free educational programs to the public on important legal topics that may contribute to health disparities in the community. Past presentations include information on MLTC plans, supplemental needs pooled trusts, and recognizing and addressing elder abuse.
The Center for Elder Law & Justice and the Alzheimer’s Association of WNY are teaming up for caregivers!
Through funding from the New York State Department of Health, our services are now available to caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Free legal assistance, as described above, will now be available to people diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease as well as to their caregivers in order to support those who might be struggling with issues such as managing personal care and property, healthcare coverage, decision-making, and planning for long-term costs of care. The Office for the Aging in each of the eight counties of WNY will provide referrals directly to our program.
Request Assistance:
For more information or to see if you qualify for services, call 716-853-3087 x 250 or toll free at 1-844-700-1872.
Current satellite locations:
Buffalo General Medical Center and the Gates Vascular Institute
100 High Street, Buffalo, NY
462 Grider Street, Snyder Building, Buffalo, NY 14215
John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital
818 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
The MedLaw Partnership of WNY is made possible by the Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA) , Kaleida Health Foundation, The Children’s Hospital of Buffalo Foundation, and The ECMC Foundation.
Buffalo General Medical Center
Erie County Medical Center
John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital
Legal issues involving housing security, health insurance, employment rights, access to benefits, estate planning, immigration, and consumer debt, among others, become sources of stress for patients and can even be a barrier to receiving medical treatment. The MedLaw Partnership seeks to enhance the lives and health outcomes of individuals by addressing these needs. Our services include full representation, brief advice and counsel, and community education.
Yes, the MedLaw Partnership can advise you of your workplace rights and work with you and your employer in the hopes of reaching an accommodation that will allow you to keep your job while you obtain the health treatments you need.
Yes, the MedLaw Partnership can help you determine if you qualify for any benefits, such as public assistance, unemployment benefits, or short-term disability. Obtaining these benefits may help you afford life essentials, such as food and housing. Additionally, we can help you with consumer debt problems by speaking and negotiating with your creditors.
No, the MedLaw Partnership does not provide representation in medical malpractice lawsuits.