Policy Advocacy Center
At the Center for Elder Law & Justice, we believe that everyone deserves to live independently and with dignity. We work every day to make this a reality, but it won’t happen overnight, and we can’t do it alone. We must create conversations and connections that encourage change. On our policy advocacy page, you can learn all about the work we are doing to create positive change. Keep reading to explore the latest policy news that we think is important to know, and how you can help.


tell us your story
When you share your story, it helps us know what problems to focus on, and helps us explain your issues to elected officials. Help us by sharing:
Nursing home quality profiles
Our goal in developing these Nursing Home Profiles is to improve the quality of care in WNY nursing homes by (1) providing unbiased information on area facilities and ownership and (2)drawing attention to the need to make changes in how the nursing home industry operates. With the information in this Profile, it is our goal that residents and community members will gain a better understanding of how nursing homes operate, how to distinguish high performing facilities from those that are low performing, and act to improve quality of care. Please explore some of the reports below and share them with those in your life considering a local nursing home.