Current open positions:
*Click on position for more information
To Apply:
Send cover letter and resume to Chandler Jones, HR Manager:
CELJ is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and welcomes all to apply, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Employer recruits without regard to sex, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and any such candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Pro bono attorneys, community, and student volunteers have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of clients who have nowhere else to turn for help. Pro bono service provides the personal satisfaction that comes from helping someone in need. Here at CELJ we have a wide range of volunteer and pro bono opportunities for attorneys, law grads, law students, undergraduates and others. Click "Apply Today" or continue on to read more about available opportunities.
Law firms, corporations, and in-house counsel interested in partnering with CELJ are encouraged to reach out to learn more. Contact the Director of Pro Bono Programs, Amanda Warner at 716-835-3087 ext. 241, or via email at See bottom for information on meeting the 50 hour pro bono admission requirement for admission in New York State or the Attorney Emeritus Program.
CELJ has many exciting programs in need of volunteers:
A partnership between CELJ, the private bar and Erie County Surrogate’s Court that provides assistance to low income, unrepresented individuals in need of brief advice and counsel on Surrogate’s Court matters.
Pro Bono Opportunity: Volunteer attorneys from the private bar provide brief phone consultations on Surrogate’s Court matters, including Probate and Estate administration; Guardianship; Adoptions; Assistance retrieving unclaimed funds of a deceased relative held by the NYS Comptroller; and Small or Voluntary Estate matters.
Time commitment: Attorneys can sign up in advance to handle up to four consultations in a given week, or be on a roster to handle overflow calls on an as needed basis.
CLE credit for pro bono time is available.*
If you have a need to help make a difference in your community, and help your neighbors stay in their homes, then we need you!
We are looking for volunteers to help at-risk older adults find security in their daily lives, homes, and finances so they can continue to feel in control of their own lives.
If you are interested in volunteering, contact us:
Phone: 800 - 316 - 5103
Provides “done in a day” legal assistance to seniors across Western New York virtually through senior centers, libraries, and other places where older adults gather.
Pro Bono Opportunity: Volunteer attorneys provide limited scope representation as well as “legal health checkups” using CELJ’s Risk Detector App, advising seniors on a range of issues, including Social Security and Income Benefits, Health Insurance, Housing Utilities, Foreclosure, Health Care Proxies, Powers of Attorney, Wills and Estates, Family Issues, Elder Abuse, Consumer Credit issues and more. TRAINING PROVIDED! EXPERTISE IN ALL AREAS NOT NECESSARY!
Time commitment: Up to 3 hours, typically on weekdays in the late morning or early afternoon, as well as occasional Saturdays.
CLE credit is not available, as this program assists clients regardless of income.
A free service for people aged 55 and older to provide brief legal advice and referrals.
Pro Bono Opportunity: Volunteer attorneys provide brief advice and counsel on a range of issues facing seniors, including Social Security and Income Benefits, Health Insurance, Housing Utilities, Foreclosure, Health Care Proxies, Powers of Attorney, Wills and Estates, Family Issues, Elder Abuse, Consumer Credit issues and more. TRAINING PROVIDED! EXPERTISE IN ALL AREAS NOT NECESSARY!
Time commitment: Live Helpline shifts are 2 hours long. Attorneys can also volunteer to do callbacks, agreeing to return client calls received from 9am to 4pm on a given day within 48 business hours. Each call should take no more than 30 minutes.
CLE credit is available for time spent assisting low-income clients.*
A collaboration that addresses health-harming civil legal issues facing patients, such as unlawful evictions, unsafe living conditions, lack of income or insurance based on improper denial of benefits, and lack of advance directives, among many others.
Pro Bono Opportunity: On occasion, clients through the MedLaw Partnership present with legal issues that fall outside the scope of what our staff attorneys can assist with. In these cases, we look to volunteer attorneys to assist.
Time Commitment: Varies case to case.
CLE credit for pro bono time is available.*
CELJ has partnered with a regional LTCOP to improve resident access to legal services and improve quality of care in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. LTCOP serves as an effective advocate and resource for older adults and persons with disabilities who live in nursing homes, assisted living, and other licensed adult care homes.
Pro Bono Opportunities: Volunteer attorneys draft Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Proxies, and Basic Wills for low-income nursing home and assisted living residents. Time commitment: Varies case by case. CLE credit for pro bono time is available.*
Volunteer Ombudsman: Volunteer Ombudsman provide compassion and problem-solving skills as they investigate concerns brought by or on behalf of residents, and work to improve the quality of care and quality of life for residents. Volunteers must go through a free certification course hosted by People Inc. Time commitment: After certification, volunteer ombudsmen spend 2 hours a week at a nursing home or assisted living facility. CLE credit is not available, as this program assists clients regardless of income.
CELJ proudly supports PrideLaw and PrideLaw’s Aging with Pride program by providing culturally competent, legal services to the LGBTQ+ community in Western New York.
Pro Bono Opportunity: Volunteer attorneys are needed to draft power of attorney, health care proxies, and basic wills for PrideLaw clients, as well as represent PrideLaw clients in name change proceedings and discrimination complaints.
Time Commitment: Varies case by case.
CLE credit for pro bono time is available.*
Periodically, CELJ hosts community clinics for future planning and advance directives, including wills, health care proxies and powers of attorney.
Pro Bono Opportunity: Volunteer attorneys draft Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Proxies, and Basic Wills for low-income clients.
CLE credit for pro bono time is available.*
An annual event sponsored by Center for Elder Law & Justice and Erie County Department of Senior Services. Seniors and their caregivers attend presentations and receive free one-on-one attorney consultations. (NOTE: this program may be virtual depending on current health and safety guidelines).
Pro Bono Opportunity: Volunteer attorneys provide free, 15 minute consultations with seniors on a range of issues including guardianship; health care proxies; powers of attorney; trusts and estates; patient rights and safety; long term care planning; nursing home costs; Medicaid / Medicare / insurance; caregiving; housing; elder abuse; budgeting and paying bills; and scams and identity theft.
Time Commitment: Attorneys commit to a minimum of 1 hour (approximately 4 consultations).
CLE Credit for pro bono time is not available, as consultations are open to all registrants, regardless of income.
If you have a particular interest in the services provided by a specific CELJ Unit (see below), and want to assist in their work, let us know! We can almost always find a role for volunteers based on their interests, experience and availability. Client and program needs are ever evolving, and we are happy to work with you to find a good fit that is impactful and rewarding. CLE credit for pro bono time is available*. CELJ Units not mentioned above include:
Consumer Protection
Elder Abuse Prevention
Health Care Advocacy
Kinship Care
Older New Americans & Refugees
* CLE Credit is calculated in increments of .5 CLE credit hour. A maximum of ten (10) pro bono CLE credit hours may be earned during any one reporting cycle. See New York State CLE Board Regulations and Guidelines § 3(D)(11)(d).
Anyone can volunteer! Including:
Volunteer with one of many legal focus areas or programs, like providing pro bono limited scope representation for our legal advice helpline! We are flexible and have opportunities for everyone!
Assist staff attorneys with legal research and drafting court documents
Accompany attorneys to court appearances and client visits
Client intake
Work as a general volunteer or through a law school externship
Community Development Unit
Highly organized and motivated intern is needed to help our Community Development Unit. Interns will work on research projects, provide foreclosure numbers and data, and help develop and implement legal strategies to solve clients’ legal issues.
Consumer Debt Protection Unit
The Consumer Debt Protection Unit supports unrepresented litigants in consumer debt cases in New York City’s Civil Courts. Interns will work directly with an attorney on cases concerning debt matters, debt collectors, identify theft, scam prevention and recovery. Intern responsibilities include legal research, interviewing clients, and maintaining and updating client files.
Foreclosure Prevention Project
CELJ’s Foreclosure Prevention Project (FPP) helps homeowners who are in danger of losing their home due to mortgage foreclosure. The project also includes community education and financial counseling. Intern responsibilities will include client intakes and interviews, assisting with settlement conferences, legal research, and maintaining client files.
Guardianship Unit
CELJ’s Guardianship Unit serves as Court-Appointed guardian for persons who have been determined to be incapacitated by the court and require assistance to meet their needs. Many of these people are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. As guardian, CELJ attorneys, paralegals, accountants and social workers provide a wide range of services, depending on whether we are appointed as guardian of the person, property or both. Intern responsibilities include maintaining client files, preparing of documents, interviewing clients, legal research, drafting and filing documents.
Health Care Advocacy
CELJ’s Health Care Advocacy Unit offers help in a variety of issues concerning private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and Managed Long Term Care. Matters include improving quality of care in skilled nursing facilities or homes, transitioning from a nursing or rehab facility back home, increasing a client’s amount or type of health care, and appealing denials or decreases in coverage. Intern responsibilities include legal research, policy work, data entry, drafting and filing client documents, and maintaining client files.
Kinship Unit
The Kinship Unit provides direct representation to relatives and other caregivers in non-parental custody cases (also known as third party custody). Clients are often seeking temporary or permanent custody of relative children (nieces, nephews, siblings, grandchildren) because the parents are unable to continue parenting. Intern responsibilities include conducting intakes, interviewing clients, legal research, court observation, and assisting with the preparation and processing of client documents.
You do not need a law license to help make a difference in your community. If you have a skill set you want to contribute to the CELJ’s fight for justice, we are currently looking for volunteers with one or more of the following skill sets:
Financial Management Program
Photographer and/or Videography
Work with staff paralegals on existing cases
Draft letters to clients and make client calls
Provide assisted referrals to clients
Work with staff social workers in our guardianship unit
Help locate necessary services for clients
Work as a general volunteer or through an externship program
Work on special projects and outreach events
Assist with helping clients find assistance programs
Help organize and staff fundraising events
Assist in planning and implementing outreach presentations
Specialized projects available for accounting and web-based experienced students
Help organize and staff fundraising events
Assist with filing, scanning and copying
Sit in on client interviews and court appearances
Receive volunteer credits for school
In 2015, according to the New York State Court of Appeals, any applicant seeking to be admitted to practice in New York must satisfy the 50-hour volunteer requirement. Law students can fulfill their 50-hour pro bono requirement through volunteering with our agency. Cross another task off your law school graduation list! Individuals interested in pro bono, internship, or volunteer opportunities should fill out our volunteer form by clicking "Apply Today".
WHO: Attorneys 55 years of age and older who have practiced for a minimum of ten years.
WHAT: 60 hour pro bono commitment over 2 year reporting cycle.
WHERE: Center for Elder Law & Justice (in person and virtual opportunities available)
WHY: If you are registered as a retired attorney, your biannual CLE requirement and registration fees are waived. If you are still engaged in the active practice of law, the CLE and registration requirements still apply, but you may earn up to 15 CLE credits of pro bono time per reporting cycle.
As always, regardless of your status as retired or still engaged in the active practice of law, CELJ covers malpractice insurance for your pro bono cases.
HOW: You may enroll anytime by calling (877) 800-0396 or going to ATTORNEYS/volunteer/emeritus/index.shtml and completing the online form.
For more information on volunteering with CELJ through the Attorney Emeritus Program, please contact Amanda Warner at (716) 853-3087, ext 241, or visit