policy statements and testimony

Testimony: 2023-2024 Executive Budget Health Review
The purpose of our testimony today is to provide comment on the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 New York State Executive Budget. Specifically on the topic of health, to provide a review based on our area expertise in Nursing Home, Adult Care Facility, and Home Care.

Testimony: State of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
The purpose of our testimony today is to provide examples of what The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) has been able to do on a severely limited budget, and what LTCOP could do to improve the quality of care and lives of older adults and persons with disabilities who are living in nursing homes, if NYS fully invests in the program.

Testimony: Statewide Right To Counsel For Tenants
We urge you to support the full funding and passage of Right to Counsel in the budget this year. As a society, we cannot stand by any longer while New Yorkers are forced into a confusing, overwhelming and traumatizing court system without counsel by their side. No one should have to face something as devastating as eviction without even the most basic right to representation.