Write Letters to Your Representatives!
Have you ever written a letter to your government representative? If not, you should consider it! Elected officials are interested in what their constituents have to say. If there is a topic important to you, consider sending a brief letter to your local representative.
United State House of Representatives
If you live in 26th Congressional District of New York, your representative is Brian Higgins. His website is higgins.house.gov and you can email him right from his website.
United States Senate
Residents of New York State have two Senators, Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer. Contact them at: www.gillibrand.senate.gov/contact and https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck.
New York State Senate
Tips for writing a letter or email:
Include your name, address, and any pertinent credentials.
Keep it simple. Three paragraphs should be enough. The first paragraph should state who you are and why you are writing. The second paragraph should provide more detail about the facts. The third paragraph should request an action.
Use examples to support your position.
If you are writing about a certain bill, correctly identify the bill using a legislative identifier.
Thank your representatives for their time.