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2024-2025 Executive Budget Topic: Health
Lindsay Heckler, Esq., MPH Lindsay Heckler, Esq., MPH

2024-2025 Executive Budget Topic: Health

Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Executive

Budget (“Executive Budget”). The Center for Elder Law & Justice (“CELJ”) has been serving the

Western New York region for over 40 years, providing free civil legal services to older adults,

persons with disabilities, and low-income families. CELJ’s primary goal is to use the legal system

to assure that individuals may live independently and with dignity. CELJ also advocates for policy

and systems change, particularly in the areas of housing, elder abuse prevention, nursing home

reform, and consumer protection. Currently CELJ provides full legal representation in ten counties

of Western New York.1 CELJ’s Free Senior Legal Advice Helpline is open to all of New York

State. CELJ operates a main office in downtown Buffalo, with three additional offices in

Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, and Niagara counties.

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